Market your architectural firm with 3D models of existing projects

It's common for architects to use 3D modeling to create accurate replicas of their projects for design and presentation purposes, but are there more applications for these models? Architects already have built-in marketing resources at their fingertips with these replicas. Using drawings and pictures can be useful on brochures and catalogs, but 3D models can be employed to market the firm at conferences and promotional events. Scaled replicas are indispensable when it comes to showing potential clients what the firm can do without taking clients to the actual sites. Architectural firms can do themselves a disservice by not showcasing their previous work in the form of as-is, precise models.
Marketing gaps can harm the firm
Architectural firms have to differentiate themselves from their competition if they want to gain high-level clients and secure big projects. Not showcasing the firm's expertise and individual architect's aesthetic point of view can cause the company to be lost among other, similar architectural firms. According to Practice Clarity, a company that consults with architects, most firms have their feet in numerous market segments, so it is crucial that an agency positions itself as a leader in creating buildings and spaces for certain markets. Architectural firms need to center their marketing efforts around their vision and expertise, according to Architect Magazine, and this is where 3D modeling comes in.
The Dog Patch Blog, a site for design firms, notes that marketing often fails when it isn't strategic and there isn't anything for the campaign to lean on in terms of experience and solid results. 3D models of finished projects bring a clear focus to marketing campaigns by showcasing, in just a few physical replicas, exactly what the firm is about, how it was able to bring the aesthetic design of certain projects to fruition and it's commitment to quality. Any architectural firm can show potential clients drawings of projects and pictures of completed buildings or spaces, but investing in a 3D model of finished structures highlights a level of care.
In addition, 3D modeling can also be used to create accurate animations and walkthroughs of projects to showcase on the architectural firm's website, according to an article on architect community Archinect. This allows potential clients to get a glimpse into what the firm can truly accomplish before they even reach out to the firm.
The best way to create 3D models that are accurate and scaled to the specific project is through 3D laser scanning technology. Mapping the site using the right laser scanners ensures models are created using precise point-cloud data of the structure or space as it is. This makes a difference when these models are built because it takes the guesswork and re-work out of model creation. Architectural firms can then be confident that the replicas they are showing potential clients are true to the project they are representing.
Architecture: Discover the new ways SGM has incorporated point-cloud data into the creation of end deliverables.